Labs Esther Knox-Dekoning Labs Esther Knox-Dekoning

One True Thing*

A comic exploring the importance of nuance and the limitations of binaries.

A comic exploring the importance of nuance and the limitations of binaries.


Created by Sam Galison in collaboration with other members of The Plenary team, one true thing* is an exploration of what it means to be “true” by breaking down seemingly noncontroversial claims into all of their component parts. Driven by Sam’s imaginative guides called “beasties”, each comic leaves the reader what, if anything, is “true”.

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Labs Esther Knox-Dekoning Labs Esther Knox-Dekoning

Body Colony

An interactive art experience inspired by emergence in ecosystems.

An interactive art experience inspired by emergence in ecosystems.


Body Colony is a multimedia sculpture that mirrors the complexity of interactions in nature through participants’ interactions with the piece. It’s a reflection of the importance of relationships in all levels of our ecosystems, and brings the concept of “emergence” into a tangible experience.

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Labs Esther Knox-Dekoning Labs Esther Knox-Dekoning

Food City

A board game about building equitable and sustainable food systems.

A board game about building equitable and sustainable food systems.


Co-created with game designer, Jessica Creane, Food City is a worldbuilding board game where players explore different aspects of the food system as they work through challenges and possibilities that benefit both themselves and their competitors.

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